Commentaires : Attentats en Israël : (ex-Twitter) pas loin de se faire taper sur les doigts pour son manque de modération

𝕏 began deleting Hamas-related accounts

The management of 𝕏 said it has deleted « hundreds of Hamas-related accounts » as well as thousands of posts following the militants’ attack on Israel.

Earlier, the European Union gave the social network 24 hours to remove illegal content and misinformation related to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in order not to face fines under the EU’s recently passed Digital Services Act, writes CNN.

𝕏 CEO Linda Yaccarino said the company has « redistributed resources and refocused internal teams who are working around the clock to address this rapidly evolving situation. »

« There is no place on 𝕏 for terrorist organizations or violent extremist groups and we continue to remove such accounts in real time, including proactive efforts, » Yaccarino said.

Over the weekend, according to CNN, a number of fake videos and other posts appeared on the 𝕏 social network, alarming experts who monitor the spread of misinformation.

After the attack on Israel, Yaccarino said 𝕏 took action to « remove or label tens of thousands of pieces of content » that violated its rules on offensive speech, media manipulation and graphic media.

She also said the social network’s administration had responded to more than 80 « removal requests » from EU authorities to remove the content, CNN noted.