[Topic Officiel ] Evil Genius ...Enfin un jeu différent

Si vous avez toujours rêvé d’être le maître du monde :D, et de diriger une base secrète pleine de super méchants :stuck_out_tongue: , Evil Genius sera clairement le jeu à attendre… :sol:

Je veux être le maîîître du mooooooonde :fou:

Pour en savoir plus :
[]Preview de Boomtown.net : Preview
]La Fiche Clubic (Fiche Cluclu)
La démo :

Démo (sur Clubic)
Le site officiel (en anglais pour l’instant) :[/#0000c6]


Date de sortie US :
28 septembre 2004

Pour l’acheter en import (~$40):
Vivendi Universal

Pour l’acheter en France :
Alapage(45 €)

Config nécessaire
Windows® 98SE/Me/2000/XP
Pentium® III 800 MHz or higher
DirectX® 9.0b
128 MB RAM - Windows® 98SE/Me, 256 MB RAM – Windows® 2000/XP
GeForce™2 MX 16MB or equivalent DirectX® 9 compatible video card
16x CD-ROM drive
DirectX® 9.0b Compatible Sound Card
MS compatible mouse

Pentium® 4 1.5 GHz
DirectX® 9.0b
256 MB of RAM
NVIDIA® GeForce™ 3 or equivalent with 64 MB RAM
300MB free hard drive space (additional space required for Windows® swap-file and DirectX® 9.0b installation)
24x CD-ROM drive

[#0000ff]Mon avis sur la démo :

et cela promet ! :ouch:

C’est drôle, innovateur et complètement fou. Ca se passe dans les années 60, et le but est de devenir le maîîître de Monde… :heink: (on pourra même voler la tour Eiffel et kidnapper des stars… :sol: ) Tout est pris en dérision. Il y a des espions, des méchants, des gentils. Vous pouvez mettre les gens en prison (puis les interroger :D), les tuer (après le corps va dans la glacière :D).

Ce jeu me semble très bien (en tout cas la démo est excellent, même si je reste sur ma faim car je n’ai pas pu voler la tour Eiffel, ni kidnapper Britney Sp… et l’interroger). Je me réjouis de l’acheter quand il sortira…(bientôt)
Description officielle (en anglais)
This is where it gets evil! You’re a malevolent mastermind bent on achieving global domination through the construction of the ultimate doomsday device. Build a secret base, gain notoriety by completing daring missions, repel the forces of justice in real-time combat, and develop evil super-weapons to complete your nefarious master plan. Evil Genius is a tongue-in-cheek take on the spy thrillers of the '60s, offering you the unique opportunity to play the villain as you control a secret island fortress complete with powerful henchmen, loyal minions, ice-cold beauty queens, and a host of hilarious gizmos.

FAQ pour la démo

 Official responses from Elixir Studios. Thanks to EvilJon and a|A for compiling the list of issues, and for some answers.

Q: Why are there so many agents running around my base?
In the full game, the arrival of agents is determined by the player’s notoriety and heat levels. These game mechanics are tied to the world map, which does not appear in the demo. We therefore had to artificially insert agents onto the island; in the full game, the arrival of agents is much more gradual, and only reaches comparable levels to the demo if the player’s heat is very high.

Q: So why didn’t you include the world map in the demo?
Many features of the game are not included in the demo: traps, research, surveillance systems and the world map, to name but a few. These features were omitted because of both size constraints (we had to fit the demo into 200MB) and because we didn’t want to reveal too much. The demo is not fully representative of the game - it would be impossible to give a bite-sized sample of a game like Evil Genius where the aim is a long-term one of slowly building up a base and taking over the world. Rather, the demo is intended to give a taster of certain elements (such as combat; building; interrogation; gloating) and to act as a teaser for the other parts of the game.

Q: I still think there are too many agents. There are body bags everywhere.

We wanted to give the player a taster of combat, so felt it necessary to ensure a steady stream of cannon fodder. If you’re having trouble overwhelming the agents, be sure to use your henchmen and their special abilities, and provide gun racks for your minions. If you build gun racks, construction workers and military minions will arm themselves when you set the base to yellow or red alert.

If your base is inundated with body bags, try building a new freezer room. Building meat-racks in the freezer will also allow you to store more body bags per tile.

You don't have to deal with the agents in a violent way, however. The agents in the demo are low-level ones, and rather stupid. They'll miss all but the most incriminating evidence (such as holding cells). If your base is well designed, you can often leave the agents to wander around harmlessly, until they've seen enough and leave. Be cautious with the base alert settings - if it is set to red alert, minions will automatically attack all agents; if it is set to yellow, minions will arm themselves, and an armed minion is regarded as more of a threat by the agents.

In the full game, there are other ways to deal with pesky agents. If you lower an agent's attention or smarts to zero (either with psychological weakening or interrogation), he will be escorted out of the base by a social minion. Unfortunately, this was a relatively late addition that didn't make it into the demo, which was finished well in advance of the full game.

Q: Why is the island so small?
We felt the island size was perfectly adequate considering the number of rooms and objects that are available to build. The full game has desert and jungle islands that are much bigger, giving far more room to expand into.

Q: Do I have to play through the tutorial each time I play?

No. The game is auto-saved after the tutorial ends, so you can just start up from there if you want to replay the demo. The tutorial is a stand-alone component in the full game - you don’t have to play it if you don’t want to. You can also press BACKSPACE to skip the current line of speech (but don’t blame us if you miss something vital

Q: How do I activate my henchman’s special abilities?

Your henchmen start with two special abilities already learned, and one very close to being unlocked. You can unlock the extra one by earning experience points (XP) through killing enemies with that henchman. Once you have earned enough XP, double-click the henchman to access his properties pane, and then click the relevant ability button to learn it.

Use special abilities by either clicking the button in the properties pane, or by clicking the small icon that appears on the HUD when you have a henchman selected. Some abilities have an instant area effect (Gather Minions; Ghetto Posse), but others are targeted (Super Headshot; Eviscerate; Wind Walk). Select a target by right-clicking on a location or victim once the ability has been selected.

Q: Why isn’t anyone guarding my Level 4 doors?
If you want a door to be guarded, you’ll have to ensure that there is wallspace on either side of the door for the minions to stand by:

Q: Why are my minions so lazy?
If they’re being especially lazy, you could always teach them a lesson by selecting your Evil Genius, then right-clicking on the offending minion

However, it's not really the minions' fault. We had to cut out several core aspects of the minion behaviour dynamic for the demo, which leads to the impression that the minions are lazy, or that the minion AI is suspect. In the full game, minions have a wide range of tasks to perform: working in various rooms, performing research, replenishing their stats and so on. In the demo, we had to leave out several core rooms, and so there are fewer activities for the minions to perform.

In the full game, you'll rarely see more than a handful of minions hanging around bored.

Q: How do I interrogate?
If you are having trouble interrogating the petty thief, try some of the following suggestions:

   1. Make sure that Number 2 is watching;
   2. Turn off red alert so that there are no distractions. If the minion escorting the thief sees an agent at red alert, he'll abandon the interrogation in favour of attacking the intruder. Remember: red alert is meant for emergencies.
   3. Make sure you are right-clicking on the interrogation chair after selecting the interrogation option on the prison cell. The thief's tag should change once the interrogation has been successfully ordered. 

Q: How do I build rooms?
The tutorial should show you the basics of room building. If you’re still having trouble, bear the following points in mind:

   1. Make sure all rooms have an entrance of two tiles wide linking to a corridor or another room.
   2. Make sure the room is unpaused (the pause status is shown by a tag attached to the room).
   3. To keep rooms from merging into one another, put a tile-wide gap of unmined rock between them (although open plan rooms are viable too). 

Q: How do I train up minions?
Firstly, make sure that you have the right pieces of equipment in the training room: valets train with the school chair; technicians with the laboratory table; guards with the punchbag; and mercenaries with the heavy shooting range.

If you have the right equipment, you can order training in the minion management screen. In this screen, there are two numbers for each minion type. The one on the LEFT shows how many minions you have; the one on the RIGHT shows how many you want. Increase the one on the RIGHT and the minions will start training.

If you're still having problems, make sure that the training equipment isn't blocked. All objects have access points that are symbolised by the green footprints. If critical access points are blocked, the training object cannot be used, and no training can take place. Try selecting the training object with a left-click - if the selection outline is red, the object is inaccessible, and must be moved.

Q: Why isn’t the super-agent very tough?

In the full game, the player has far more ways of dealing with super-agents: traps, sentry guns, surveillance, up to 100 minions (including advanced ones), and up to 7 henchmen. In the full game, super-agents are much tougher, but because the demo doesn’t have all these ways of tackling them, we made Jet Chan weaker.

Q: How was I supposed to know all this stuff?
We’ve tried to make the game as easy to learn as possible, but there’s a lot of depth to Evil Genius, and it’s impossible to know everything intuitively. Try browsing the glossary for additional information. You can learn about a character or object by double-clicking them to access their properties pane, then clicking on the information icon. In the full game, there are over 50 video hints to guide the player through the game.

y a pas comme un anachronisme entre britney spears et les années 60? :smiley:

Eheh, moi je parlais de la fameuse Britney Spritz !!! :smiley:

innovateur??? dis moi t as deja joue a dungeon keeper? nan parce que a part le theme, c est kif kif bourricot (j aime bien cette expression :D)

Si j’avais joué à dungeon keeper. C’est pas pareil du tout.

Mais bon innovateur est peut être un grand mot, mais en tout cas je trouve que ca amène qqc de différent par rapport à ce qu’il y a sur le marché actuellement

Innovateur ? Faudrait quand même vérifier mais pour moi ça n’existe pas : c’est novateur ou innovant :wink:

nerces, aka mr petit larousse :slight_smile:

lol Nerces, c’est vrai ce n’est pas dans le dico francais.

mais c’est du Suisse ! OU bien ?

Un petit TO ? :miam:

des screens ? :slight_smile:

Si on peut torturer britney spitz j’achete :stuck_out_tongue:
Ce jeux a l’air vraiment pas mal quand meme :slight_smile:

les screens : http://www.clubic.com/t/jeux/shot/965.html faut pas chercher loin :i

j’ai DL la démo, à l’install il me met ca :


evidemment si je clique sur ‘ignorer’, la démo se lance, commence a se charger (dessin et ProgressBar)…
et retourne au bureau sans autre forme de procès… :confused:

ca vous est arrivé ? :??:

Fichier corrompu,je crois que tu es bon pour retelecharger la demo :confused: ou au moins la reinstaller.

En reinstallant, c’est pareil. je vais re-DL … :jap:

:’( :confused:

Edit: au passage,ça me motive vachement pour la telecharger cette demo [:myllow] 200Mo en 56k pour se retrouver avec un fichier corrompu :confused: ça me ferait ch*** :confused:

Elle fonctionne sur mon PC, pas comme la démo de Medal of Honor, par contre le jeu ne me passionne pas particulièrement.

Coms: personnellement, dès que j’ai eu l’ADSL j’ai arrêté d’acheter des magazines PC avec des CDs…

A croire que ce qui me plaisait ds ces magasines, c’est les CD gratuit…[:delphes]

(n’empeche que pour les demos et les gros patchs, c’est une solution)

Pour les patchs,je ne me gene plus quand c’est trop gros :wink:

j’envoie un mail a l’editeur en lui demandant un CD avec le(s) patch(s),c’est tout,et le peu de fois où j’ai demandé (2 ou 3 fois) j’ai reçus un CD gravé avec tous les patch dessus [:poulain] :slight_smile:

ça vas bien,tu achete un jeu 50€ et tu passe dejà la premiere nuit a telecharger le patch de 150 mo qui evite que le jeu plante au lieu de jouer [:poulain] (Premier correctif de IL-2 Sturmovik, 75Mo j’ai demandé a UbiSoft,trois jours apres j’avais mon CD :wink: ).

Pour les magasine,je n’en achete plus non plus depuis que Future France a la main mise sur 80% des mag (certains redacteurs ont giclés),les screenshots sont illisibles,les tests pas forcement objectif,les CD de demo ne contiennent plus que deux pauvre demos et pratiquement plus de patchs ou shareware corrects,bref,je me contente du net et surtout des forums comme ceux de Clubic avec des avis different même s’ils sont plus ou moins objectifs.

Enfin bref,là n’est pas le sujet :wink:

Laba,si tu te sens motivé pour un petit TO(quelques screens/liens/avis,etc),c’est pas de refus :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

j’ai re-DL l’install de Evilgenius, ca a fait la meme erreur :confused:

Bizarre que je sois le seul a qui ca arrive, et que c’est le seul fichier que j’arrive pas a lancer apres DL, de clubic avec nettransport…

Ca m’est arrivé aussi, la même erreur. Mais j’ai pas réessayé de telecharger la demo.