Octave ss mandrake 10.1

bonjour je voudrais savoir comment faire pour installer octave sous linux, ya des tas de fichiers ( make, makefile) mais je ne c pas comment les executer enfin je c pas ce quil fau faire pour installer octave quoi, donc si qqn pouvai maider ca serai cool merci :slight_smile:

c’est quoi octave ?

il n’existe pas un package pour ta distrib ?

Il n’existe pas une version binaire de cette appli ?

il doit y avoir un README qui dit precisement comment installer l’appli… sors tes yeux de ta poche :smiley: :wink:

fait lire “README” et “INSTALL” :stuck_out_tongue:

oui alors j’ai deja lu le readme et l’install ( pas si ane que ca tinkiete) mais ca ne marche pas :slight_smile: ( en communication le pb vien svt de la compréhension du pb)

./configure && make && su -c ‘make install’

bah voila, suffit de parler en fr :slight_smile:

je crois pas que ce soit une bonne idee de donner ce genre d’info brute de pomme comme ca…
tu reponds a sa question mais tu ne resous pas son vrai probleme qui d’installer un logiciel.

je pense qu’il faudrait mieux lui dire ce qu’est un package si il ne sais pas ce que c’est et lui indiquer les bonnes manieres de faire.
ce sera plus simple pour lui et moins contraignant pour nous car je suis quasi sur qu’on va le revoir avec des problemes de lib ou de compil…

Ca fait longtemps que j’ai compris qu’il ne faut JAMAIS repondre aux questions informatiques des gens sans savoir ce qui se trame derriere

il faut chercher un peu :


EDIT : pas le bon fichier ( une déclinaison normal et une déclinaison forge) celui la c’est le bon

ah bé tu peu peu etre maider alors K2P ? di moi tt !

je sais quelle distrib tu as, donc ca va pas etre facile.
ben deja, tu vas lire joyeusement les qq doc epinglees dans ce forum :

si tu as mandrake : http://forum.clubic.com/forum2.php?config=clubic.inc&post=17476&cat=10&cache=cache&sondage=0&owntopic=0&p=1&trash=0&subcat=

ensuite, si il te manque des info : http://www.lea-linux.org
puis si tu as des problemes specifiques, tu reviendras nous poser des questions :smiley:

KP2 -> tu as lu le titre (sujet du topic)?
je me demande. tu dis que tu sais dans la première phrase, puis après tu ecris “si tu as mandrake?” il y a pas une contradiction? :slight_smile:
=> mandrake 10.1

angenoir19 -> telecharge le fichier rpm donné en lien dans mon post précédent puis installe le avec ton outil d’installation soit en root :

rpm -i octave-2.1.59-1mdk.i586.rpm

le mieux tout de même est d’utiliser urpmi ( il faut configuer les repository en y incluant les paquetages “contribs” ). tu trouveras tout dans les liens que te donne KP2.

g essayé dinstaller le rpm mais y me dit que ya pas de compilateur C valable un truc du genre

tien autre question , un truc qui me soul vraiment c lacctivation au démarage ou en retour en mode graphique, du num panel, paske g un portable duocup ca fou le bordel en plein milieu du clavier, c’est chiant, donc si qqn c comment on vire l’activation du pavé numérique au démarage je suis preneur aussi :wink:

pas de compilateur C ?? c’est un rpm binaire y’a rien à compiler. faudrait que tu poste le message d’erreur exact.

pour le clavier, tu peux regler ca dans le centre de controle.

en fait c pour installer un log de calcul “octave”, et je pense quil a besoin d’un compilateur C pour fonctionner

tu peu me passer ton msn stp cymcy ca sera plu rapide

oups :smiley:

pas vu :pt1cable:

urpmi octave en root dasn une console.
Après avoir configurer ta source contrib (voir la faq mdk)

EDIT : si ca marche pas, post ici le message d’erreur en entier

bon alors voila le how to install octave :
This file documents the installation of Octave.
et le message d’erreur précis a la suite

Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation.

1 Installing Octave

Here is the procedure for installing Octave from scratch on a Unix

  • Run the shell script configure'. This will determine the features your system has (or doesn't have) and create a file namedMakefile’ from each of the files named `Makefile.in’.

    Here is a summary of the configure options that are most
    frequently used when building Octave:

      Install Octave in subdirectories below PREFIX.  The default
      value of PREFIX is `/usr/local'.

      Look for Octave sources in the directory DIR.

      Use `f2c' even if a Fortran compiler is available.

      Use `f77' to compile Fortran code.  You may also specify the
      name of the compiler to use as an optional argument.  For
      example, `--with-f77=g77' sets the name of the Fortran
      compiler to `g77'.

      Create shared libraries.  If you are planning to use
      `--enable-lite-kernel' or the dynamic loading features, you
      will probably want to use this option.  It will make your
      `.oct' files much smaller and on some systems it may be
      necessary to build shared libraries in order to use
      dynamically linked functions.

      You may also want to build a shared version of `libstdc++',
      if your system doesn't already have one.  Note that a patch
      is needed to build shared versions of version 2.7.2 of
      `libstdc++' on the HP-PA architecture.  You can find the
      patch at

      Use `dlopen' and friends to make Octave capable of dynamically
      linking externally compiled functions.  This only works on
      systems that actually have these functions.  If you plan on
      using this feature, you should probably also use
      `--enable-shared' to reduce the size of your `.oct' files.

      Use `shl_load' and friends to make Octave capable of
      dynamically linking externally compiled functions.  This only
      works on systems that actually have these functions (only
      HP-UX systems).  If you plan on using this feature, you
      should probably also use `--enable-shared' to reduce the size
      of your `.oct' files.

      Compile smaller kernel.  This currently requires the dynamic
      linking functions `dlopen' or `shl_load' and friends so that
      Octave can load functions at run time that are not loaded at
      compile time.

      Compile and use the generic BLAS and LAPACK versions included
      with Octave.  By default, configure first looks for BLAS and
      LAPACK matrix libraries on your system, including optimized
      BLAS implementations such as the free ATLAS 3.0, as well as
      vendor-tuned libraries.  (The use of an optimized BLAS will
      generally result in several-times faster matrix operations.)
      Only use this option if your system has BLAS/LAPACK libraries
      that cause problems for some reason.  You can also use
      `--with-blas=lib' to specify a particular BLAS library
      `-llib' that configure doesn't check for automatically.

      Print a summary of the options recognized by the configure

 See the file `INSTALL' for more information about the command line
 options used by configure.  That file also contains instructions
 for compiling in a directory other than where the source is
  • Run make.

    You will need a recent version of GNU Make. Modifying Octave’s
    makefiles to work with other make programs is probably not worth
    your time. We recommend you get and compile GNU Make instead.

    For plotting, you will need to have gnuplot installed on your
    system. Gnuplot is a command-driven interactive function plotting
    program. Gnuplot is copyrighted, but freely distributable. The
    `gnu’ in gnuplot is a coincidence–it is not related to the GNU
    project or the FSF in any but the most peripheral sense.

    To compile Octave, you will need a recent version of GNU Make. You
    will also need g++' 2.7.2 or later. Version 2.8.0 oregcs’
    1.0.x should work. Later versions may work, but C++ is still
    evolving, so don’t be too surprised if you run into some trouble.

    It is no longer necessary to have libg++', but you do need to have the GNU implementation oflibstdc++’. If you are using g++' 2.7.2,libstdc++’ is distributed along with libg++', but for later versions,libstdc++’ is distributed separately. For
    egcs',libstdc++’ is included with the compiler distribution.

    If you plan to modify the parser you will also need GNU bison' andflex’. If you modify the documentation, you will need GNU
    Texinfo, along with the patch for the `makeinfo’ program that is
    distributed with Octave.

    GNU Make, gcc', andlibstdc++’, gnuplot',bison’, flex', and Texinfo are all available from many anonymous ftp archives. The primary site isftp.gnu.org’, but it is often very busy. A list
    of sites that mirror the software on ftp.gnu.org' is available by anonymous ftp fromftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/GNUinfo/FTP’.

    If you don’t have a Fortran compiler, or if your Fortran compiler
    doesn’t work like the traditional Unix f77, you will need to have
    the Fortran to C translator f2c'. You can getf2c’ from any
    number of anonymous ftp archives. The most recent version of f2c' is always available fromnetlib.att.com’.

    On an otherwise idle Pentium 133 running Linux, it will take
    somewhere between 1-1/2 to 3 hours to compile everything,
    depending on whether you are building shared libraries. You will
    need about 100 megabytes of disk storage to work with
    (considerably less if you don’t compile with debugging symbols).
    To do that, use the command


    instead of just `make’.

  • If you encounter errors while compiling Octave, first check the
    list of known problems below to see if there is a workaround or
    solution for your problem. If not, see the file BUGS for
    information about how to report bugs.

  • Once you have successfully compiled Octave, run `make install’.

    This will install a copy of octave, its libraries, and its
    documentation in the destination directory. As distributed,
    Octave is installed in the following directories. In the table
    below, PREFIX defaults to /usr/local', VERSION stands for the current version number of the interpreter, and ARCH is the type of computer on which Octave is installed (for example,i586-unknown-gnu’).

      Octave and other binaries that people will want to run

      Libraries like libcruft.a and liboctave.a.

      Architecture-independent data files.

      Include files distributed with Octave.

      Unix-style man pages describing Octave.

      Info files describing Octave.

      Function files distributed with Octave.  This includes the
      Octave version, so that multiple versions of Octave may be
      installed at the same time.

      Executables to be run by Octave rather than the user.

      Object files that will be dynamically loaded.

      Image files that are distributed with Octave.

1.1 Installation Problems

This section contains a list of problems (and some apparent problems
that don’t really mean anything is wrong) that may show up during
installation of Octave.

  • On some SCO systems, info' fails to compile ifHAVE_TERMIOS_H’
    is defined int config.h'. Simply removing the definition frominfo/config.h’ should allow it to compile.

  • If configure' findsdlopen’, dlsym',dlclose’, and dlerror', but not the header filedlfcn.h’, you need to find the source for
    the header file and install it in the directory usr/include'. This is reportedly a problem with Slackware 3.1. For Linux/GNU systems, the source fordlfcn.h’ is in the `ldso’ package.

  • Building `.oct’ files doesn’t work.

    You should probably have a shared version of libstdc++'. A patch is needed to build shared versions of version 2.7.2 oflibstdc++’
    on the HP-PA architecture. You can find the patch at

  • On some alpha systems there may be a problem with the libdxml' library, resulting in floating point errors and/or segmentation faults in the linear algebra routines called by Octave. If you encounter such problems, then you should modify the configure script so thatSPECIAL_MATH_LIB’ is not set to `-ldxml’.

  • On FreeBSD systems Octave may hang while initializing some internal
    constants. The fix appears to be to use

     options      GPL_MATH_EMULATE

    rather than

     options      MATH_EMULATE

    in the kernel configuration files (typically found in the directory
    `/sys/i386/conf’. After making this change, you’ll need to rebuild
    the kernel, install it, and reboot.

  • If you encounter errors like

     passing `void (*)()' as argument 2 of
       `octave_set_signal_handler(int, void (*)(int))'


     warning: ANSI C++ prohibits conversion from `(int)' to `(...)'

    while compiling sighandlers.cc', you may need to edit some files in thegcc’ include subdirectory to add proper prototypes for
    functions there. For example, Ultrix 4.2 needs proper
    declarations for the signal' function and theSIG_IGN’ macro in
    the file `signal.h’.

    On some systems the `SIG_IGN’ macro is defined to be something like

     #define  SIG_IGN  (void (*)())1

    when it should really be something like:

     #define  SIG_IGN  (void (*)(int))1

    to match the prototype declaration for the signal' function. This change should also be made for theSIG_DFL’ and SIG_ERR' symbols. It may be necessary to change the definitions insys/signal.h’ as well.

    The gcc'fixincludes’ and fixproto' scripts should probably fix these problems whengcc’ installs its modified set of header
    files, but I don’t think that’s been done yet.

    *You should not change the files in /usr/include'*. You can find thegcc’ include directory tree by running the command

     gcc -print-libgcc-file-name

    The directory of gcc' include files normally begins in the same directory that contains the filelibgcc.a’.

  • Some of the Fortran subroutines may fail to compile with older
    versions of the Sun Fortran compiler. If you get errors like

     warning: unexpected parent of complex expression subtree
     zgemm.f, line 245: warning: unexpected parent of complex
       expression subtree
     warning: unexpected parent of complex expression subtree
     zgemm.f, line 304: warning: unexpected parent of complex
       expression subtree
     warning: unexpected parent of complex expression subtree
     zgemm.f, line 327: warning: unexpected parent of complex
       expression subtree
     pcc_binval: missing IR_CONV in complex op
     make[2]: *** [zgemm.o] Error 1

    when compiling the Fortran subroutines in the `libcruft’
    subdirectory, you should either upgrade your compiler or try
    compiling with optimization turned off.

  • On NeXT systems, if you get errors like this:

     /usr/tmp/cc007458.s:unknown:Undefined local symbol LBB7656
     /usr/tmp/cc007458.s:unknown:Undefined local symbol LBE7656

    when compiling Array.cc' andMatrix.cc’, try recompiling these
    files without `-g’.

  • Some people have reported that calls to shell_cmd and the pager do
    not work on SunOS systems. This is apparently due to having
    G_HAVE_SYS_WAIT' defined to be 0 instead of 1 when compilinglibg++’.

  • On NeXT systems, linking to `libsys_s.a’ may fail to resolve the
    following functions


    which are part of libposix.a'. Unfortunately, linking Octave with-posix’ results in the following undefined symbols.


    One kluge around this problem is to extract termios.o' fromlibposix.a’, put it in Octave’s `src’ directory, and add it to
    the list of files to link together in the makefile. Suggestions
    for better ways to solve this problem are welcome!

  • If Octave crashes immediately with a floating point exception, it
    is likely that it is failing to initialize the IEEE floating point
    values for infinity and NaN.

    If your system actually does support IEEE arithmetic, you should
    be able to fix this problem by modifying the function
    octave_ieee_init' in the filelo-ieee.cc’ to correctly
    initialize Octave’s internal infinity and NaN variables.

    If your system does not support IEEE arithmetic but Octave’s
    configure script incorrectly determined that it does, you can work
    around the problem by editing the file config.h' to not defineHAVE_ISINF’, HAVE_FINITE', andHAVE_ISNAN’.

    In any case, please report this as a bug since it might be
    possible to modify Octave’s configuration script to automatically
    determine the proper thing to do.

  • After installing the binary distribution of Octave in an alternate
    directory, the Emacs command run-octave' doesn't work. Emacs hangs inaccept-process-output’ in `inferior-octave-startup’.

    This seems to be a problem with executing a shell script using the
    comint package. You can avoid the problem by changing the way
    Octave is installed to eliminate the need for the shell script.
    You can either compile and install Octave using the source
    distribution, reinstall the binary distribution in the default
    directory, or copy the commands in the octave shell script wrapper
    to your shell startup files (and the shell startup files for
    anyone else who is using Octave) and then rename the file
    octave.bin' to beoctave’.

PATH: /usr/local/sbin


Core tests.


checking build system type

configure:1448: result: i686-pc-linux-gnu

configure:1456: checking host system type

configure:1470: result: i686-pc-linux-gnu

configure:1543: checking for gcc
configure:1572:result: no

configure:1623: checking for cc
configure:1652: result: no

configure:1665: checking for cc

configure:1711: result: no

configure:1764: checking for cl

configure:1793: result: no
error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH

alors qqn peu maider ?

install ton appli avec le package que cymcy a poste !

laisse tomber la compilation !