Vos dépenses vidéo-ludiques 2012

Moitié de màj, je suis trop fatiguède. Je termine plus tard. :smiley:

OCZ 128Go Octane S-ATA II (512Mo cache) : 125€

alors oui ou peux dire que ce n’est pas spécifiquement une dépense vidéo-ludique, mais vu que ce qui m’a poussé à l’achat c’est l’envie de ne pas mettre 2h à lancer une partie de BF3, je pense que ça rentre dans ce budget là :neutre:

[Photo supprimée]

Màj !

Gothic 3 à 2.49€

Far Cry 2 à 10 € ^^

Tu peux télécharger ça du coup : www.gothic-univers.fr…

Sinon bonne chance :o [:shy]

Cool thanks! (presque le Go de aptch quand meme :paf:) C’est compatible avec la version Steam au moins ? [:shy]
Edité le 14/04/2012 à 07:21

Bonne question.
Soit dit en passant, le patch 1.75 devrait sortir dans moins de 10 ans (je prend large.)

Gothic 3 Community Patch 1.75 Changelog:

  • The resource cache is not set (is always calculated individually).
  • Improved automatic determination of appropriate graphics settings.
  • When you first start playing automatically the desktop resolution is used.
  • Removed limit the screen aspect ratios.
  • Removed limit the screen refresh rate.
  • Written language via audio menu set.
  • The parameter “Render.DisableFocusNames” in ge3.ini switches now all marquee text in the game.
  • The font used in the game is now set via the ge3.ini.
  • Updated to newer version fmodex.
  • Dynamic shader caching to reduce stuttering.
  • Fixed a timing problem on multi-core processors (can Timer.ThreadSafe in ge3.ini be switched on or off).
  • If a voice file is missing, then substitute subtitles automatically displayed, even if you have not activated the subtitle option.
  • Fixed a guru in the summoning of magical fog during a close combat.
  • Fixed a guru when watching without ResultItem recipes.
  • If you get enough experience points to a shock for two level up, you go to actually two stages.
  • For modders: Now, some expanded Free Points can be used (“Ghosts”), which can be associated readme files.
  • Fixed shadow problem that occurred from the Radeon 4000 series graphics cards.
  • The shadow quality has been improved.
  • Dynamic shadows hide now from a distance.
  • Add self-shadowing in the light calculation.
  • Support for Shader 1.4 and 2.0 was removed.
  • Rim lighting, soft water and soft particles can not be turned off.
  • Rim lighting and subsurface scattering for NPCs installed.
  • Added Chromatic dispersion in water.
  • When a weapon hits water, the water waves are no longer diagonal in the air.
  • Closed many gaps between the head and body several NPCs mostly.
  • Changed Specular Blinn-Phong model of computation to Phong.
  • Several improved shader.
  • Fixed lighting calculation error in the use of transformation scrolls.
  • Improved image noise.
  • Bloom / HDR improved.
  • Adjusted for depth of field and soft-matter particles in contact with water surfaces.
  • FXAA implemented, it removes Edge Smoothing.
  • Corrected many textures, improved or expanded.
  • Improved animations and the Gargoyles Sumpflurker.
  • Animals and monsters collapse now, too, when the hero “assassinates”.
  • All the arm shields worn clipping less now with the armor.
  • Improved random selection at Smalltalk blocks.
  • NPCs will no longer be the hero, as he jumps straight.
  • The “story helper” now offers call options through which you can enclaves “calm” with “red NPCs” again (except Gotha and Ardea), and also dialogues in order to reduce the count for “liberated city”. Use at your own risk!
  • The “Stage Directions” (Click, what gestures to perform an NPC to which text) were moved from the string table in the Info files.
  • For modders: Adapted Info Type = “7? from Götterdämmerung.
  • For modders: New Info File Parameters “SuppressLog”.
  • For modders: New Information Commands “humanize”, “GiveAll”, “JoinPlayer”.
  • For modders: New Condition “CondPlayerPartyMember”.
  • For modders: Adapted New Quest Type “13? (spell-quests) of Götterdämmerung.
    In-game menus
  • Corrected height calculation when displaying quest log entries.
  • For modders: opportunity for Quest descriptions (Quest Description) installed.
    Inventory related topics (trading, looting, etc.)
  • Gold deposits increased slightly from stores.
  • For modders: opportunity for non-random merchandise installed (gETreasureDistribution_Trade_NotRandom).
    Integrated way that dealers can not sell quest items: + For modders.
    Equipment (slot management)
  • The hero puts torch or staff do not want to leave when he eats fruits, meat, fish or bread.
  • For modders: instruction set in the instructions to Item Templates “Game Show Message” and “AddQuestLog” expanded.
  • For modders: New property added “Full Body” in Item_PS.
    NPC positioning
  • NPCs no longer stand the small talk in the other NPCs.
    NPC navigation
  • The hero can no longer come under lily pads.
  • Invisible barriers removed on the stairs of the tower above Faring.
  • Eliminated more reasons for moving NPCs.
  • Companion of the hero are not violated by his AoE.
  • Defeated Arena opponent waking a little earlier from her faint as to other NPCs.
  • Fixed a bug where the hero was sometimes attacked by animals, which he has previously charmed with the magic of “animal call”.
  • Ice Golems now use a ranged attack the spell “Ice lance”.
  • Dead NPCs can not be revived by using the “attack” commands in Info files.
  • Mummies hit a bit earlier, faster and more often than before.
  • No more machine-gun attacks by Temple guards and ogres.
  • Spectators of a struggle now occasionally also give comments when the hero lands on his opponent a goal.
    Unconsciousness and death
  • Effect of the console commands “Kill” and “Defeat” corrected to animals and monsters.
  • Burning or poisoned NPCs only die from the effects of fire or poison when they are hostile to the hero.
    NPC behavior
  • When the hero opens a chest with a key that rain is not about the loot on NPCs.
  • NPCs now react aggressively with PAL_Pirate animals and monsters.
  • Animal companions do not mix more into foreign conflicts.
  • When a waiting companion “fired” is not then it slides through the area.
    Talents and spells
  • You can “destroy evil” the spell is no longer wasted on unsuitable opponents.
  • For modders: The display on the HP, SP and MP Zuwaches at shrines is now based on TeachAttribValue the corresponding info file.
    Interactive objects
  • The hero can not go to sleep, open chests, sit down, sharpen weapons or use other interactive objects, while being attacked.
  • If the hero can not use an object that displays a message indicating which object is missing him for it.
  • When the hero in a chair or bench sets, it slowly regenerates life force.
  • For modders: The Lock-PS from the chests there is a new attribute KeyAmount. If you open the chest for several (identische!) key will be required, the number should be entered here.
  • For modders: Opening a chest can now be set to a game event (Interaction.ScriptUseFunc). This happens every time “use” of the object again. The same applies to the use of doors, anvils, grinding stones, cooking pots, camp fires, alchemy tables, digging sites, logs (saw), Orktrommeln, water barrels, thrones, stools, benches, water pipes and panels.
  • For modders: Even the attribute increase in reading racks wrought-book is now coupled to the AB switch.
    Camera Topics
  • The camera is now in first-person mode a little above the head of the hero.
  • Default button for “Take all” to plunder “Z” to “U”, as amended.
  • The hero slips no longer on its own after it has involved an NPC while sneaking in a conversation.
  • Failure removed where the hero of an action executed after you have clicked the “OK” button of the tutorial.
  • You can not return a call while the speaker turns to the main menu.
  • Unconscious or dead NPCs and chests can be unlocked ransacked by right-clicking.
    Only with AI switch:
  • Arena opponents have a higher attack rate.
  • With difficulty “hard” attack movements of Arena opponents are a bit faster.
  • Fixed a bug where the difficulty in “light” could expire animal groups in the sprint mode.[/spoiler]

Copieux. :smiley:

Je viens d’essayer. A priori, ca marche!

Le seul hic, c’est qu’à l’instsall du patch, il ne trouve pas G3, donc il faut lui indiquer manuellement l’emplacment du dossier Gothic 3 dans les steamapps/common/ et… ca roule ! :miam:

NB: A la fin de l’install du patch quand il demande si on veut qu’il lance le readme ou le jeu ,il y a une option activable pour la correction d’un problème d’ombres avec les AMD/ATi de serie 4xxx et 5xxx. Pour l’avoir vu et testé à l’instant, cette option DOIT aussi etre activée pour les series 6xxx :jap: (modifiable après coup dans le fichier g3.ini, à priori.

Edité le 14/04/2012 à 08:05

De toute façon G3, j’ai pas pu m’y remettre à refaire une nouvelle partie. Le gameplay quand tu l’as subi une première fois, tu supportes pas la 2ème (sauf pour les trolls sadomaso velus comme toi hisvin :ane: ). Cependant, bon point, c’est que l’environnement est largement plus chouette et varié qu’Oblivion ce qui m’a laissé un bon souvenir. :slight_smile:
Et il y a plus de monstres différents au moins… Après bon pour avancer, tu dois user en permanence de bug de l’ia car des fois tu en chies [:skyos]
Edité le 14/04/2012 à 12:28

Le principe même des rpg :wink: :whistle:

Futur volant Fanatec CSW à 750€ (si si !!)

Oups, je pensais l’avoir déjà faite.

Donc MàJ ! :jap:

@Kpla46 : je liste uniquement les dépenses réalisées, pas les futurs dépenses. :wink:

Alors ce volant a 750€, tu l’as achete ou bien ? :slight_smile:

750€ pour un volant, ca fait cher le badminton. [:shy]

Mattez moi la présentation d’beau gosse en 1ère page. :o
Edité le 02/05/2012 à 20:43

La classe, McFly :stuck_out_tongue:

Je peux dire 680€ pour le volant alors :slight_smile:

Clairement ca fait chero mais quand on aime on ne compte pas :wink:

Asus GTX 680 DirectCu II : 496$

c’est ballot ils viennent d’annoncer la 690 :confused:


hors de mon budget et le bi-gpu cay le mal

Gros +1!!! :wink:

The Dark Spire (Nintendo DS) : $32,94.