Moi aussi installation du sp1 pour vista 64 premium
terminer et aucun probleme.
Moins de 25 minutes pour s’installer.
je suis etonne aucune news sur le net encore.
It appears that Microsoft has released Service Pack 1 (SP1) early for Windows Vista x64 users - many are reporting that SP1 is officially available in their Windows Updates. It is currently unclear as to whether this release is accidental or not, but if you want to install SP1 this way keep in mind that there are three pre-requisite updates (KB938371, KB937287, and KB935509) which you should install before installing SP1 via Windows Update. Note that the standalone SP1 package doesn’t need these updates prior to installation.
Update: It appears this loophole may have been closed now. Update 2: Microsoft has confirmed it was an accident.
hier soir, j’ai fait une recherche de MAJ avec WU, et il ma trouver un SP 1, j’ai Vista Edition Home basic, 32bits, j’ai cliqué sur détails et c’était écrit Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (KB936330)
Date d’installation : ?24/?02/?2008 23:35
État de l’installation : Réussite
Type de mise à jour : Important
Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) Beta is an update to Windows Vista that addresses key feedback from our customers. Windows Vista SP1 Beta addresses specific reliability and performance issues, supports new types of hardware and adds support for several emerging standards. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.
J’avais téléchargé les deux MAJ avant, lorsqu’on disait qu’on pouvait avoir le SP1 en avance, mais c’était écrit SP1 RC 1
La c’est Service Pack 1.
Quelqu’un peut m’expliquer ?
Edité le 25/02/2008 à 15:52