[Topic Officiel] - PlayStation 2 - PsTwo -MGS3 out!-

à ce propos , je vais faire mon relou
mais je demande aux modos d’être intransigeant , ça apporte vraiment rien ces trolls à la alstrom …oui je sais on peut dire ça sur nimportequel topoc mais le fait est que les trolls anti PS2 sont bien trop nombreux et ont des arguments vraiment trop tranchants :smiley: [:whistle] :smiley: (ya meme un lapinmodobilly qui l’est un peu [:siffle] :wink: )

Mais non, mais non. [:whistle]

Killzone, nouveaux screens et j’ai reussi à sous tirer une vidéo du jeu à un forumeur de GK

La video

De tres mauvaise qualité, on remarque quand le style du jeu , tres proche d’un Halo, et plutot fluide et beau pour de la PS2, en esperant que ca ne soit pas de la poudre aux yeux

Bande annonce Xenosage 2

On peut toujours réver quant à une sortie Européenne :nop:

pitain :ouch: j’ai hate pour killzone :miam:

SOCOM 2 trailer

Et résumé de l’actualité concernant ce titre ici

source : playfrance

Il y a une vidéo de 34 Mo de killzone sur le TO officiel (dernière page du topic).

ouai j’avais vu, mais c’est un lien bittorent, et la quand tu as personne de connecté et personne qui le DL le debit et tres lent, voire inexistant comme maintenant

je redonne le lien peut etre que ça va me faire lancer le DL [:whistle]


Ben j’ai pas trouver de sources avec shareaza. [:kangol]

Peut-être sur la mule ou kazaa. [:kangol]

Rien sur kazaa

Sur la mule il n’y a que des petites vidéos. [:kangol]


ouais j’ai trouvé un lien qui marche [:xiao_bin]

:confused: merde je l’ai deja vu cette video sur killzone, c’est un reportage :confused: cte foutage de gueule

a part si on me traduit tout ce qu’ils racontent…

[fixed]Welcome to the script of the Killzone interview that was recorded by the Dutch channel AT5. This translation was done by Tidus from DGS-Online.nl

Timestamp 0:17

Text: Soon the first Playstationgame that is completely designed and developed in Amsterdam will come out.

Timestamp 0:31

Text: On the Herengracht 40 men have been working for over 3(!) years on this new computergame.

Timestamp 0:46

Martin de Ronde: Killzone is an actiongame. It is situated in the near future, during a spectacular and devastating war. And you
play the role of a soldier who has to engage in all sorts of dangerous missions behind enemy lines.

Timestamp 1: 04

Janbart van Beek: This is a very rough sketch of one of the cutscenes. This is what they call a blockingmovie, with
which they know where to put the camera and how to move it.

Interviewer: Can you compare it to the script of a movie?

Janbart: This is sort of like an animated storyboard voor a movie.

Timestamp 1:30

Janbart: That is Lotte, we casted her for the role of SD Operator/Controller on a spacestation which makes an appearance in the game.

Interviewer: So you use real persons?

Janbart: Yes, this is a pile of people who have been casted for the game. Some of them work here. And we will put them
all into the game. He (picture of tanned guy) will be used as one of the most important characters in the game.
(Man with white hair) This is a general in the game. These are mostly people who work here, but we also have some people who
come from a castingagency, they have been chosen to play certain parts.

Timestamp 2: 04

Janbart: And this is one of the sketches of a character who is put into the game. They will go to our modellers, who…

Interviewer: Modellers are?

Janbart: The modellers are the ones who make 3D drawings. This is a mold of the character which you just saw the picture of.
That is after they have created it in 3D.

Interview: So now he is more flesh and blood.

Janbart: He is more a character of polygons. After this, we have people who will animate them, they will put a lot of skeletonbones
in it. This is the skeleton of the character, and all these bones are needed to shape the character in the right way, so he will be able
to walk around, move and generally do all sorts of stuff.

Timestamp 2:45

Janbart: Maybe you can rotate a little, and zoom out? This is a level where we are currently working on, it’s a very large harbor area.
And you see he is busy to create the harbor piece by piece.

Interviewer: They are more like architects.

Janbart: They are architects. Actually, the architects are sitting here, they are more like contracters. Over here we have the painter.
Seattle is a texture artist, that means that he pastes the images on the wall. As in making concrete walls or pasting metal on the walls.

Timestamp: 3:23

Interviewer asks a question about being a nerd, which is not relevant for us. Therefore it has not been translated.

Timestamp: 3:44

Joris de Man: For 30.000 guilders you have an orchestra of 72 men, and a choir of 40, in Russia, for a day. And then you can record their music.

Timestamp 4:02

Joris: A certain sound you hear when there are 72 men and women playing is not something you can do with a synthesizer.
Eventually I am inspired by images, I need a certain tangible something with which you can create something. In this case there is
this image that is a part of it. A sort of marching mass, like this, that is heading towards you needs a sort of bombastic, almost fascistic
marchmusic. It also is a nice entry in the game. It is very bombastic and impressive. The first time someone starts the game you want
him to go like: ‘Wow, what is going on here?’

Timestamp 4: 50

Joris explains how he creates certain soundeffects to be used ingame. Problem is, I will never be able to play Killzone with the Grenadelauncher
without thinking of a stapler and a tube :stuck_out_tongue:

There you have it, some new behind the scenes images, along with a quite understandable translation.

© DGS-Online.nl[/fixed]

J’ai trouvé la traduction in english :wink:

J’viens de téléchargé la vidéo, à la première image j’ai reconnu Amsterdam :love:


J’aurais uen question concernant la ps2 silver : quelle est l’utilité de la lecture des dvd-r ?

Je suis intérréssé par la ps2 et comme je possède déja la gamecube silver, je me dis qu’ils iraient bien ensemble

Mais bon si la lecture des dvd-r ne sert a rien, la différence de prix n’est pas justifiée…

edit : je sais qu’il y a la téléco en +, et le bruit atténué, mais ma j’avoue que ca me turlupine cette lecture des dvds-r

:slight_smile: sympa ici :slight_smile:

par contre , il ne pourai pas y avoir un p’tit tutorial pour les kit d’enceintes ou comment avoir du 5.1 sur sa ps2 ?

Drogay [:-]

Kami -> je vire les messages trolleurs :jap: (nan pas mes messages [:dredd])

L’erreur est toujours là [:siffle]