Probleme BFTME2

Le Seigneur Des Anneaux : La Bataille Pour La Terre Du Milieu 2
Bonjour,quand je joue en ligne le jeu se coupe et je reçois un message d’erreur dont je ne connais pas les raisons,j’ai déjà essayer de réinstallé le jeu.le voilà :

The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual
address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Access address 0x0000001d was read from.

Exception occured at
007fe273 game.dat+0x3fe273, FXParticleSystem::CategoryModuleClass<8>::getName+0x749e.

Version: 1.01.2198.33078 internal D9EFAE82-B3BF-4c84-ADC2-7078341D5180 release build 2006-02-07 18:10:11

EAX:0x00000000 EBX:0x04f5d634 ECX:0x00000019
EDX:0x04ccec7c ESI:0x00000003 EDI:0x00000001
EIP:0x007fe273 ESP:0x0012e058 EBP:0x0012e098
CS:0x001b DS:0x0023 SS:0x0023
ES:0x0023 FS:0x0038 GS:0x0000

ErrOfs: 0x77c1b269 ErrSel: 0x077d001b
DataOfs: 0x0012f554 DataSel: 0xffff0023
Cr0NpxState: 0x00000000
ST(0) 0100803f010080bfffff -1.#QNAN0
ST(1) 010080bf0100803fffff -1.#IND00
ST(2) 00000000000000ff0640 255.000000
ST(3) 000000000000fffefd3f 0.498039
ST(4) 000000000000fffefd3f 0.498039
ST(5) 0000000000006efd0d40 32439.000000
ST(6) 00000000004c27820d40 16659.648438
ST(7) 0000000000266f800e40 32879.148438

15 addresses:
(unknown)(0): game.dat+4186739 FXParticleSystem::CategoryModuleClass<8>::getName+29854
(unknown)(0): game.dat+5764095 FXParticleSystem::TerrainCollisionModuleTemplate::writeINI+114264
(unknown)(0): game.dat+5765451 FXParticleSystem::TerrainCollisionModuleTemplate::writeINI+115620
(unknown)(0): game.dat+5765468 FXParticleSystem::TerrainCollisionModuleTemplate::writeINI+115637
(unknown)(0): game.dat+5765551 FXParticleSystem::TerrainCollisionModuleTemplate::writeINI+115720
(unknown)(0): game.dat+5915299 IRegion3D::operator=+44574
(unknown)(0): game.dat+5334067 Region2D::Region2D+38037
(unknown)(0): game.dat+4255097 AsciiString::AsciiString+22883
(unknown)(0): game.dat+2341309 GameClientRandomVariable::setRange+32926
(unknown)(0): game.dat+2251103 UnicodeString::UnicodeString+12944
(unknown)(0): game.dat+2251417 UnicodeString::UnicodeString+13258
(unknown)(0): game.dat+270316 Debug::PostStaticInit+31852
(unknown)(0): game.dat+12653 operator<<<char>+2084
(unknown)(0): game.dat+6447883 Xfer::operator==+119771
(unknown)(0): kernel32.dll+136391 GetCurrentDirectoryW+68

Bytes around EIP:
007fe253 41 1f c3 8b 41 18 89 41 2c 8b 41 10 89 41 28 8b A.ËA.‰A,‹A.‰A(‹
007fe263 41 0c 89 41 24 c3 33 c0 83 79 04 06 0f 94 c0 c3 A.‰A$Ã3Àƒy…”ÀÃ
007fe273 8b 41 04 83 f8 06 74 14 83 f8 02 74 0f 83 f8 03 ‹A.ƒø.t.ƒø.t.ƒø.
007fe283 74 0a 83 f8 04 74 05 83 f8 05 75 0d 80 b9 a4 01 t.ƒø.t.ƒø.u.€¹¤.
007fe293 00 00 00 74 04 33 c0 40 c3 33 c0 c3 8b 41 04 83 …t.3À@Ã3ÀËA.ƒ

Si quelqu’un pouvait m’aider merci!!

Déjà pour que l’on t’aide, retire les Majuscules du titre et surtout, rend le plus parlant.
Les forums JV clubic ne sont pas consacrés qu’a BFTME2 :jap:

Voilà j’ai édité,merci du conseil

install le patch car comme je jouer en reseau sa me fesai sa aussi é lordi de mon pote lui redémaré complétemant donc ésaye…

J’ai installé le patch et j’ai toujours le meme probleme. :??: