Bonjour à tous.
Je possède une ATI9600 PRO 128Mo.
Je ne sais pas si vous avez deja entendu parler de ce pb, mais les textures en mode multijoueur n’apparaissent pas… toutes les cartes sont noires avec un quadrillage blanc…
J’ai eu beau mettre a jour mes pilotes, les desinstaller et les remettre, actuellement j’ai le catalyst 5.4 (tout tout dernernier) de ces jours ci.
Ca me rend :pt1cable:
Si quelqu’un connait un correctif a ce pb, je suis preneur
Merci …
En fait,c’est un probleme de CD defectueux qui ne permet pas de copier le texture0.pak3
Tiré de la FAQ du site Activision(en anglais evidement ) la deixieme partie en parle:
Make sure the 3D hardware acceleration is turned all the way up.
Right-click on the My Computer icon on the desktop and select Properties.
Select the Performance tab and click the Graphics button.
Make sure the acceleration slider is set to Full.
For Windows XP and 2000:
Click on the Start button > Settings > Control Panel.
Double-click the Display icon.
Click the Settings tab.
Click the Advanced button.
Click the Troubleshoot tab.
Make sure the acceleration slider is set to Full.
Change your monitor refresh rate to Adapter default.
Right-click on the desktop and select Properties.
Click the Settings tab and click the Advanced button.
Select the Adapter tab and change the Refresh rate to Adapter default.
Click the Apply button and then OK until you are back to the desktop.
If you are asked to restart the computer then do so.
Set your desktop to a resolution of 800x600, 32 bit True Color.
Right-click on your desktop and select Properties.
Click the Settings tab.
Set your screen area to 800x600.
Set the colors to 32 Bit ( True Color). Under Windows NT this will be listed as 65554 colors.
Click Apply and OK.
All background applications must be shutdown prior to running the game.
Delete all files in the Windows/Temp directory.
Do a complete ScanDisk.
If that does not work then you can try a manual installation of the game.
This answer is for an Advanced user. Please do not attempt the below solution if you are not comfortable editing the Registry. Damaging the Registry could result in very adverse effects to your system. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
A manual install ensures all assets are copied to your drive properly. It further reduces the possibility of a conflict between the installer and any other programs you´re running.
The first step is to ensure there are no elements of the game installed on your machine.
Click the Start button > Run.
At the prompt type REGEDIT.
Click the “+” next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
Click the “+” next to SOFTWARE.
Click the “+” next to Activision.
If present, right-click on the Soldier of Fortune II Double Helix folder and select Delete.
If there is no SOF2 folder present, close the registry editor.
With the game removed from the registry, we´ll need to be sure there is nothing on your hard drive.
Double-click My Computer.
Double-click the C:\ drive.
Double-click Program Files.
If present, right-click on the Soldier of Fortune II Double Helix folder and select Delete.
If there is no SOF2 folder present, close the window.
We have now ensured there are no elements of the game remaining on your machine. We can proceed with the manual install.
Insert CD #1 , and begin the normal installer.
When prompted for the second disc, select Cancel.
You will be asked if you wish to do a rollback - select No.
Remove CD #1 and insert CD #2 .
Double-click the My Computer icon.
Right-click on the game CD and select Open.
Open the SETUP folder.
Open the BASE folder.
Click Edit, then Select All.
Click Edit, then Copy.
Using the My Computer window, go to “C:\Program Files\Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix\base”.
With the base folder open, select Edit then Paste.
Press the back button until you are in the Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix directory.
Right-click SOF2MP.EXE and select Send, then To Desktop ( Shortcut).
Right-click SOF2.EXE and select Send, then To Desktop ( Shortcut).
Soldier of Fortune II is now installed on your machine. Before it is possible to patch the game however, you will need to manually create a registry entry. This is a fairly simple process.
Open a text editor such as NotePad.
Highlight the text between the lines below ( not the lines themselves) and press CTRL+C on your keyboard.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Activision\Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix]
Return to your text editor and press CTRL+V, this should paste the text into the window.
If you did not install SOF2 to the default path, you will need to edit the InstallPath and InstallEXEPath lines to reflect where the game is installed.
Click file, then Save As… You will want to name this file SOF2.REG. Ensure the file type is set to All Files.
Save the file to your desktop.
You should now see an SOF2.REG file on your desktop. Double-click this file.
When prompted, add the information to the registry.
You´re done. You can now install the most recent patch to the game and play normally via the desktop shortcuts we´ve created.
Alors ça bien cool de ta part de l’avoir mis là… j’espère que ca va résoudre mon pb, je le teste dès que possible …
Mai 6, 2005, 11:41
Essais dejà d’extraire le fichier “texture0.pak3” de ton CD,si tu n’y arrive pas,c’est effectivement un probleme avec le CD1.
Les textures solo et multi ne sont apparement pas les même.