Kill tracker jedi academy ?

Voila j aurais aimer si certain d entre vous utilisais ce programme moi j essaye mais je n arrive pas a le faire marche juste les commande !kton et !ktoff fonctionne les message auto en debut et fin de duel ne s affiche pas et mes stats non plus tout reste a 0 quelqu un pourrait il m aider merci

personne ne peut m aide ou me conseiller un site ?

euh dsl mais je ne connais pas…

tu as un lien vers le site de ton truc ? voila :wink:

up toujour personnes :’(

File Info: MauDae’s Kill Tracker 1.0 for JK3
Created by: Maudae
email: or
Installation: Extract all the files to the same location. Anywhere you prefer. You MUST have Microsoft’s .NET Framework 1.1. Get it at
Comments: If you find any bugs or have suggestions email me or contact me on AIM. My SN is iifuzz

How To Use:
Fill out your name(cant be over 29 characters including the color codes) without the color codes, or once ingame, type /name in the console and it will refresh the name for you.

!stats - displays your stats for FFA and Dueling.
!ratio - displays your kills per death and the percentage of duels you have won.
!time - displays the current time and date.
!info playername - will get the info for the player name you specified and display the results.
!silent - will set the Kill messages and MP3 messages to Echo but leave the dueling messages to say in chat.
!loud - will change all the messages back to say in chat.
!ktoff - will turn off all messages
!kton - will turn on all messages.
!play text - will search your play list for a song with the text in its file name and play it. It will also show you the results if there were more then 1 song found.
!songs - will display all the songs in your play list in the console along with a index number in the beginning of each song.
!index # - will go directly to the index # you specify (get the index # from the !songs command)
!stop - stops the music
!pause - pauses and resumes the music
!next - goes to the next song
!prev - goes to the previous song

merci bikette mais je connais deja c est juste que es stats ne fonctionne pas ca reste toujour a 0

ah euh desolé xD

c est pas grave

personne ne sais alors ?

moi ossi jété pareil ke toi mais enfaite on ma di comen faire il fo ke tu mé ton jeu en anglais c tout dan reglage et change :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :super:

slt a tous moi g un otre probleme c ke lé message bah il vienne pa comme quand je tue un gar mé le mode silence é bah il é desactivé vous pouvé m’aidé plz :jap: