Kannel configuration


j’ai un problème avec kannel j’ai configurer le fichier kannel.conf comme suit :

Sample configuration file for Kannel bearerbox on Debian.

See the documentation for explanations of fields.

HTTP administration is disabled by default. Make sure you set the

password if you enable it.

group = core
admin-port = 13000
smsbox-port = 13001
admin-password = admin
admin-deny-ip = “...
admin-allow-ip = “”
#wapbox-port = 13002
wdp-interface-name = “"
log-file = “/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log”
box-deny-ip = "
box-allow-ip = “”

group = wapbox
bearerbox-host = localhost
log-file = “/var/log/kannel/wapbox.log”

group = smsbox
bearerbox-host = localhost
sendsms-port = 13001
global-sender = +212*****
access-log = “kannel.access”
log-file = “/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log”
log-level = 0


group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = smsgateway
system-type = kannel
host = 212.217.54.X
smsc-username = xxx
smsc-password = xxx
port = 7007
send-url = “http://localhost:7007/cgi-bin/sendsms
connect-allow-ip = “;192.168..

quand je lance ./bearerbox ou smsbox j’ai en erreur

root@amine-laptop:/# /usr/sbin/bearerbox -v 1 /etc/kannel/kannel.conf
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] INFO: Debug_lvl = 1, log_file = , log_lvl = 0
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] WARNING: DLR: using default ‘internal’ for storage type.
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] INFO: DLR using storage type: internal
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] INFO: Added logfile /var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log' with level0’.
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] INFO: HTTP: Opening server at port 13000.
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] ERROR: bind failed
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] ERROR: System error 98: Address already in use
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] INFO: BOXC: ‘smsbox-max-pending’ not set, using default (100).
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] INFO: Set SMS resend frequency to 60 seconds.
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] INFO: SMS resend retry set to unlimited.
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] INFO: DLR rerouting for smsc id disabled.
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] INFO: Adding interface *
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] ERROR: Couldn’t bind a UDP socket to port 9200
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] ERROR: System error 98: Address already in use
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] ERROR: Couldn’t bind a UDP socket to port 9201
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] ERROR: System error 98: Address already in use
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] ERROR: Missing wapbox-port variable, cannot start WAP
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] INFO: ----------------------------------------
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] INFO: Kannel bearerbox II version 1.4.3 starting
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [0] INFO: MAIN: Start-up done, entering mainloop
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [8] PANIC: gwlib/socket.c:380: read_available: Assertion `fd >= 0’ failed.
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [8] PANIC: /usr/sbin/bearerbox(gw_panic+0xd4) [0x80d4674]
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [8] PANIC: /usr/sbin/bearerbox(read_available+0x1fc) [0x80de73c]
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [8] PANIC: /usr/sbin/bearerbox [0x80614c3]
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [8] PANIC: /usr/sbin/bearerbox [0x80cb08d]
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [8] PANIC: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0 [0xb77244ff]
2010-05-05 15:19:44 [4251] [8] PANIC: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6(clone+0x5e) [0xb722e49e]

MErci de votre aide c vraiment urgent

Le message d’erreur est clair pourtant… :neutre:

Les ports en question sont deja utilisés…
Edité le 06/05/2010 à 11:30

Bonjour je sais pas si ton probleme est resolu depuis…
Au demarrage c’est kannel lui meme qui occupe ces ports, il faut donc l’arreter /etc/init.d/kannel stop
puis démarrer ton bearerbox et ton smsbox.