Discussion sur les sorties de matos prévues - Prévoir la config du Futur!

[color=red]"[i]The winner for now is the P35 chipset, whether you feed it DDR2 with fast timings or higher speed DDR3. The 1333 bus speed introduced by P35 is also a winner - at least in terms of overclocking. As stated in the review, almost every Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Quad we tried in the P35 ASUS P5K and P5K3 ran at 1333 FSB at the default multiplier and default voltage. The only processors that required any voltage increase were the top line Core 2 Extreme processors. This free 25% overclock, which still allows everything else in the system to run at default values, is exciting. It is so exciting we have to wonder how long Intel will allow this in the marketplace.

DDR3 may not be in your buying plan today, but it will certainly be there in the future. As DDR3 prices drop and/or timings improve, it will be the performance choice. For today, the best performance choice is either today’s DDR2 or tomorrow’s DDR3 on the P35 chipset instead."[/i][/color]

LA conclusion, DDR2 ou 3 avec une P5K (ou autre P35 ,j’ai l’impression)

Le P35 est le digne sucesseur du P965! :bounce: