Que choisir entre E6850 ou Q6600?

Pour info si on parle des jeux…
Chez Crytek pour Crysis on prefere le quad.

"Cervat Yerli, who seems to spend more time talking to the press than actually working on finishing the game, revealed that, on most systems, Crysis is likely to be CPU bound. "If [your system is] balanced, we are more CPU bound than GPU, " he told Shacknews. “Multi-core will be beneficial in the experience, particularly in faster but also smoother framerates… We recommend quad core over higher clock.

source : www.theinquirer.net…
Edité le 09/12/2007 à 01:59

Voici un test bien poussé entre le 6750 et le q6600


bon courage :slight_smile: (perso j’ai pris le e6750 car pas chèr )